April 14, 2021 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Other
Up kinda early this morning and into lab. Took a day off from experiments and caught up on data. Also spent a lot of time outside, went down to the beach in the morning with Jourdain to get some sand and water. Its so cool that the beach is right there on campus. It was just a nice sunny spring day, doesn’t quite feel warm enough as summer time however. Also spent an hour outside during lunch today. Was more productive in the evening and set up for a new round of experiments. Legs feel like they need a run, and so does my overall sense. A little nervous about reaggravating calf too early. Also a little thrown off from running-log still being down. Does that mean its time for me to grow up and move on. I keep thinking how I have pushed off adulthood for so long and clinge to the college lifestyle. Running-log is a relic of that time… Anyways just something to think about when you have the time. Bike was good on the way home.