August 6, 2021 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Other
Wow, finally time to pack up and go do something somewhere else. I think I go everything planned and prepped to cross back into US and visit family in Colorado. Getting to YVR was easy, went super early because I had nothing else to do. Sitting in airport and getting on plane felt normal for some reason too. I wasn't mentally ready to go, but felt like I was gonna do it anyways and that's just fine. I was super cramped up in the plane and it felt like a long flight even though its not that far. Once entering Denver airport, it felt like culture shock almost immediately. Airport was packed like pre pandemic, and not a lot of folks had their masks on. It was very jarring and uncomfortable. I had to wait around too for a while which was honestly kinda nasty... This is how it is back here though, not a lot has changed I see. We got to Boulder pretty late and I was tired, but excited to now take a break. Feel like I can detach much easier, I don't feel like I am all attached to work or thinking about work at all. Just going with the flow it seems.