View Workout (Brandon Riedlinger)

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January 18, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

warm up to mlk.

30-40 minute tempo, just went out to along the lake and back. felt ok to start off but the second half really seemed to kick my butt. i'm pretty tired now and i realize this was a pretty difficult workout.

mile back to veale, 4*400 meter at predicted race pace. did the last 3 by myself because of bathroom break. was shooting for 75/76 but ended up too fast, especially on the third.

800m cooldown after, static 1, eagle 30, 3*20 pushups. rollers.

73, 75, 71, 74 were 400 splits.

edit: 30 dips in my room when i had the random urge in the afternoon

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.06 Miles 56:19
1.0 Miles 7:30 7:30 / Mile Warmup Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9 Ruby/Silver/Black
5.2 Miles 32:00 6:09 / Mile Tempo Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9 Ruby/Silver/Black
1.0 Miles 7:55 7:55 / Mile Recovery Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9 Ruby/Silver/Black
1600.0 Meters 4:53 4:54 / Mile Speed Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9 Ruby/Silver/Black
600.0 Meters Recovery Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9 Ruby/Silver/Black
800.0 Meters 4:01 8:04 / Mile Cooldown Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9 Ruby/Silver/Black