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Prospect Park trails and roads

June 16, 2024 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 80ish and pretty nice, with some breeze

Second day in NYC celebrating my dad's birthday. Ran with Steve, Jonny, Cleo, and Tobi. First half was weaving through trails. Cleo and Tobi were slipping away when I decided to go after them and maybe get back to the apartment before the food delivery potentially arrived. Left Steve and JB despite feeling so heavy and slow. Caught up to the young ones and found them struggling as we climbed the gentle, but long slope up the west side of the park. Eased up at the top of a hill and let Cleo and Tobi settle in with me, but decided I was working too hard not to work harder and just embrace the suffering. Consciously dropped them and pushed hard, wishing I knew when I'd be reaching Grand Army Plaza. The end was at least 10 minutes beyond where I expected it to be, but I think that's a good thing. I worked hard for a long time and finished several minutes ahead of them without ever going to a true race pace. Man, of man, that was a hard effort run. If only I'd felt good, it would have been far more enjoyable to drop my brothers, niece, and nephew.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles 29:00 7:14 / Mile Tempo White size 11 Vongos