August 7, 2008 (Night)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: Still hotish, like me!
Wow I didn't know I averaged 170 BPM HR.
That is crazy, and I got a shitty 8.36 min miles, which I have achieved with large hills and lower HR. Whatever, I hate you Running! You have killed my social life, given me almost nothing to look forward to, and I run harder and don't go any faster. F U Running!
I sweated like a pig, expected a 8.15 min mile and got shit! Did you hear that, Shit!!! On the plus side I got the 4 miles in, biked to the rock gym, and climbed, then hung out with friends, it was like a kinda triathlon but with rock climbing instead of swimming.
Running no longer loves me so I will no longer love you back! Oh wait I'm going to do the Hood to Coast race, and then there is the NYC marathon which this is all training for! okay maybe I will let you back into my life. But only if I get a new pair of shoes this weekend....
Distance | Duration | Pace | HR Avg | HR Max | Interval Type | Shoes |
4.0 Miles | 34:25 | 8:36 / Mile | 170 | 180 | Adidas |