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mile+800 workout: ran to AU... then detour...

April 14, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 65

ran to AU. work out was a 4x800... but i went off on my own (back towards school)...
here's what i did:
- temp mile in 6:10 or 6:20 (not sure where mile marker ended... at the intersection before, or right at the 42nd street doors?)
- 800 recovery
- 800 tempo in 3:39 (time not great... since i used the warm up lap instead of the AU track, it was hilly - the last stretch was uphill which made it pretty hard)
- 8 striders
- crunch progression
- leg strengthening

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.25 Miles 30:00
1.5 Miles 15:00 9:59 / Mile Warmup asics Women's GT-2130 Running Shoe
2.25 Miles 15:00 6:40 / Mile Tempo asics Women's GT-2130 Running Shoe
800.0 Meters Interval asics Women's GT-2130 Running Shoe