May 25, 2010 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Weights
Weather: Fitness Center Weight room
Theres no specific plan yet so I just kinda did some stuff that I was doing during track. Legs and arms.
Squats (10x135, 8x145, 6x155)
Felt alright just tried to drive. Most of this is just really to see where I'm at after all that time not lifting
Calf raises 45 of machine 2 sets of 12x inside, outside, center
Again just some of the stuff I did during track. This was pretty tough. Just to see where I'm at
Sholder Press 3x12 with 45
Got through this. Did them behind the head. Probably will go up to 15 reps on Thursday
Bicep curls 3x15 with 45
Pretty good was falling apart near the end. Pretty good for now
Dips 10, 10, 7
Did the full body ones where I lift my body weight. Pretty good. I don't know if I should do bench ones instead. I don't know which is better
Bench 10x115, 8x125, 6x135
I also did 10x95 just to see how easy that was. I was obvisouly able to move up. Probably would have gone for more reps at 135 if I had a spot. I think I'll try for 11, 9, 7 Thursday
Notes: Need to do a lat excerise. I'l add that for THursday
About an hour