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June 9, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: post rain, sunny humid, miserable

warmed up, hip hurt a lil bit. stretched well. legs still feel trashed so i didn't push the pace today. just focused on switching paces and keepin it up tempo. 2x 2-min, 2x 1-min, and 4x 30sec. legs feel ok now. right quad is sore. gotta ice it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles 36:27
1.0 Miles 8:19 8:19 / Mile Warmup 2140's (yellow)
3.0 Miles 19:27 6:29 / Mile Fartlek 2140's (yellow)
1.0 Miles 8:41 8:41 / Mile Cooldown 2140's (yellow)