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post ride hard cider =

August 5, 2010 (Night)

Exercise Type: Bike

no run tonight... haha, read an interesting article on biking vs marathons and a comparison of the last 28 days of training for a crit racer and marathoner about to peak for their perspective events and a breakdown in heart rate zones of those days.
The biker was training more for anaerobic capacity and was focused on Vo2 max training and over 50% of training times in recovery mode from such intensity in workload, whereas the marathoner was training more for long steady effort near lactate threshold and only had 24% of training time in recovery sessions.

So I opted for a long slow, 2:30:00 ride, never pushing it and settled down, no night run, just some hard cider and my book. ahhhhhhhhhh

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
45.0 Miles