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October 30, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

This was one of the best weekends I've ever had. It's really indescribable of how great it was. And right now I'm super sad. My high school xc career is over and I can't see anything in the future that can compare to how amazing these last two seasons have been. I really don't know what I'm going to do without it. Back in the summer, everyday I woke up, went to practice, came home, and then couldn't wait for the next day. Its just been so much fun. As for this weekend I'll always remember the crazy car ride to and from, the hotel with all the sandwich throwing and pranks (haha, the girls got yelled at), and Dan dancing in some intimate clothing in the hallway.

This season has been a strange one. I wish I could have done a little bit better race wise, but I've never had so much fun just being around people who I love to be around. All the trips were great, the jokes were hilarious, and the food was delicious. On to the race recap.

Mile 1: This was a really good mile. I started off pretty fast and settled into about 25th-30th place going up the hill. I didn't pass anybody on the hill but thats ok because I didn't plan to. I came across the marker at 5:40.

Mile 2: The first half of this mile was amazing. After the hill there was the long incline to the lake. This was my best section. I was passing people left and right. I felt really good and the best part was I didn't feel like I was pushing it too hard. The downhill was ok, I passed more people. Once the ground leveled out though something just went wrong. I don't know what, I was just tired. Not helping was the fact that I started to get passed. Really discouraging. Went through the 2 mile mark not feeling good at all.

Mile 3: I can describe this mile as the comeback that almost was. Going into the woody area I started to pick it up. Passed some people in the twisting and rolling sections of the first half mile. I felt really good until I hit that long open stretch. Then I saw the gap between me and the people in front of me. It didn't look that big but no matter how much I surged, it never got any smaller. About 600 meters from the finish I just died out again. Got passed by more people. For the finish I ran down about 4. It didn't really matter though, it was just too little, too late.

Afterthoughts: I'm not sure what really went wrong for this race. I felt really good the day before while we were running the course. I do feel like the cold got to me a little bit. The only big conclusion I can come to is that I was tired. Not physically tired, but mentally tired. Last week really took a toll on my mind, I guess. So I'm happy for Dan, Lila, and the girls, but I think that we can all agree that there was something missing from this race.

To wrap this up I got to say a huge thank you to all the team, especially the varsity, and the coaches. You are my favorite people to be around. You all made this season what it was. I wish that it would never end, that tomorrow we would have another fun adventure, but that's not the way it works.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.61 Miles 17:40
1.5 Miles Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 17:40 5:41 / Mile Race