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Birthday Tempo

January 18, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Coldddddd

Surprisingly enough, when I went out around 3:30 today the roads basically looked like it had jus rained. A few slippery spots but not too bad overall. Although my legs feel still feel like complete shit, i really need to get at least one hard workout in before the meets this weekend. Ive taken up a new stretching routine including some dynamic stretches and other ones I saw online. Been lookin up different types of workouts and strength training for 1500/milers. Alot of websites claim that tempos are really good for it, so gonna start adding them more frequently into the training regimen. Adding alot of new stuff to my overall training base lately, hopefully all these little things will produce big results. Todays run wasn't as controlled as normal, my normal tempo pace is somewhere around 6:55 or so, legs felt horrible though, very muscularly tired. Wish I woulda kept it more under control then I did but, oh well. Live and Learn.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.32 Miles 41:53
2.15 Miles 17:01 7:54 / Mile Warmup Asics GT-2150
3.67 Miles 24:52 6:46 / Mile Tempo Asics GT-2150
0.06 Meters Speed Asics GT-2150
0.5 Miles Cooldown Asics GT-2150