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Parent's Treadmill Super Bowl 20

February 6, 2011 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Inside

Final marathon tune up. Did much better than on my long hilly run of last week. Two very quick toilet brakes in the first 5 miles due to a funny stomach but stayed on the treadmill from there to the end. Some real fatigue and soreness, but pushed through it. No cramping, but definitely some nausea in the later miles. Picked up the pace in the last 2 miles and finished with an 8:50 pace--20 seconds ahead of my anticipated marathon speed. Drank about 60/20 and tooke gel at 5.5/11/16. Not much of a plan for the next weeks, but will review previous taper and follow suit. Last time took a full 3 week taper, this time closer to 2.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
20.0 Miles 2:56:40 8:49 / Mile Long Brooks Trance 9