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Valley of Death

February 12, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Windy, Kinda Warm Though

Tried out anew route today, from my house down to Northern Parkway and down Walther to Ailsa avenue and back. Pretty easy going out, alot of downhills but then of course that means the opposite on the way back. Pretty hard on the way back actually, wind right in my face and some of the hills down there are large. Good workout though, tried to negative split it, not sure if i did since when I was about a 2 miles away I made a wrong turn onto a dead on street...which I didnt find out til I got to the end of it haha. Oh well, not a bad day. Also did the new full body workout, really tired at the end since I did within 5 minutes of getting back from the run.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.4 Miles 46:45 7:18 / Mile Training Asics GT-2150