March 15, 2011 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Bike
Weather: Cardio room
Grey Bike
Resting HR: 56. Sleep: 9 hr. Felt a little worse this morning.
By myself, Random: lvl 10, noticed most of the people there were swimmers, listened to CAKE and watched Sports Nation, talked with Sweet Cheeks for a bit, thought about upping the intensity but decided against it because I am under the weather still, stretch, Bear, doctor's appointment, Dr. Mischovsky wrote the script for the X-ray and MRI, but said to hold off until the end of the week to see if I am still pain free, she also told me no running this week.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
23.6 Miles | 1:05:00 | 2:45 / Mile | Easy |