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Traaack workout!

May 2, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Warmup to AU and was told the workout was 4x4. I was actually pretty excited because yesterday's momentum going into this. We went out in 92, too fast. Definitely on all ends need to focus on going out a bit more conservatively because that happens in pretty much every race. But it felt good and I was able to go straight into a 400 recovery. Next was at 96, slower but still acceptable. 97, then 96. I think first time I've gone under 1:40 in repeat 400s? questionable but one of few for sure. Had the option of doing a 400 or 800, chose the 800 (of course =)). Wasn't quite sure of how it would be, because I knew I'd be pretty behind Julia, Marisa and Caroline for this one. It was incredible when Samet jumped in for the 2nd lap with me, finished at 3:22. At that point I thought we were done, I know my legs were pretty shot but then threw in another 400. 96, pretty decent for everything before. Today definitely felt good for me, it was hard but I was able to perform and conciously focus on form, arms etc. And I do think that some of the strength/lifting has definitely played a part, especially coming around the curve onto the last 100. I'm so excited for the next 2 weeks and it's incredible to feel this good. At this point (or at least for tonight), I'm not concerned with times. Times will come whenever they want to. Or maybe they wont. But it doesnt really matter, because after seeing that we could perform like this in a workout, it really speaks to what we are as a team. It felt good, it felt hard. had to get a ride back because of an appointment. Crunches/pushups at home!