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May 9, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

So this was probably one of the most memorable races I've had. And I feel like writing a long entry and not doing spanish homework. I think I have a pretty good excuse considering how tired I am right now. no brain power whatsoever.
Anywaaays, started out the day a bit rockier than anticipated. probs failed math test etc, wasnt sure what time the mile went off and thought I'd have like no time after leaving schools at 345. But everything worked out, and having Marisa drill with me was wonderful. I think for the mile I did exactly what I wanted to do, mind off and go. I had girls to run with which was great and even though I didnt beat the few I had my eyes on, it was definitely my best mile. It felt fast as I was going, and I was working and it all just worked out wonderfully. I guess I gave a lot during the mile because I had to make a spontaneous trip to the woods after...then people were trying to convicne me not to run the 800 but I really wanted to and didnt really care because I felt fine. And I'm so so glad I did because this felt like a race. Strategic and tactics all came into play and I knew how fast I was going even though I was exhausted from the mile. Its such a comfort to know I can go on tired legs. A girl passed me with liek 10 m to go but I still think it was a pretty good race. Then started to really feel everything kick in but still needed to run the 4x4. I figured this is everything I have left. But also when we were on the field warming up I started rambling in my head about what I was doing this 4x4 for-the workouts, the back scars, the trips to physical therapy, the hills, the racing slump, the spontaneous races, and Kyra. Most of all though I couldnt get Spergel and Eva out of my head and how today was their last race, so I felt I needed to honor them and run it for them and I dont think I could be where I am now after 3 years without them (sorry if this is sounding tacky...) I think this 400 was probably one of the hardest races I've run because I was just so so tired. But having everyone around the track, physically in every part of the track, got me through and got me working. The team was SUCH an important part of today because of the mass numbers of voices everywhere. Everyone ran so well today and I'm so so proud of everyone. Now, sleep. =)