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Weights and Terry

May 27, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Weights

I had the once every 3-4 week appointment to check on my back at Terrys today, and decided I'd ask about the foot. She said its a very odd form of a heel spur/plantar fasciitis/strain all, but it's not singularly any of those. Basically, I have a rock of scar tissue in my foot which needs to get kneeded out. I guess that explains why it feels like I'm stepping on a rock constantly and when I go on my toes. I'm going twice a week now through July which should be good getting it back to normal and she said after the first 2 sessions I could be back running again. But she warned those 2 sessions will be very painful. I"m ok with that, as long as I can run soon =)

Because of the mishap from yesterday I decided spontaneously 7th period today that I wanted to lift. light 35 minute routine. Still want to get to a pool next week. will hopefully sleep tonight!

Before summer runnign starts again I need to work on foot form. Somehow its evolved into me not planting my foot at all, heel nor midfoot, I'm constantly on my toes. I was thinking maybe walking on a treadmill barefoot? or grass? I'm not sure. But I know I really do need to fix it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
35:00   Nike Zoom Vomero 5