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June 6, 2011 (Night)

Exercise Type: Swim

Brian is a bit more optimistic about the foot than Terry. It still hurts like hell when he trys pounds it out but it doesnt hurt walking around anymore, its just stiff. I now know how to tape it correctly which rocks. He said to still take it easy b/c theres still stuff in there. But he said Terry had a bad day Friday, so dont take anything she says too deeply. Which I guess is a bit reassuring? I feel like i can run right now...which is still a bit frustrating but I'll start training training now and not just splashing around in the water. They also said to add elliptical so I dont train my muslces "as a swimmer". So I elliptical as well. +stregnth and core and all that. apparantly my core has gone to shit after the tears or whatever so I gotta build that back up as well. They said its gonna be a bit time consuming, but I'll be much happier/stronger when I start running again and because its summer I have the hours to spend.

Anyway, 45 minutes of swimming, first 10 warmup, next 10 kickboard, next 20 "tempo", 5 minute cooldown. Then 15 minutes aqua jog without the belt.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1:00:00   Nike Zoom Vomero 5