May 17, 2008 (Night)
Exercise Type: Other
Weather: darn
So ya, I went for that run and thought my ankle was fine, but it got worse that night and hurt quite a bit the next morning. So I got the results of the MRI the next day and the people at the health center basically said see a orthopedic doctor and stay off it for a while. So, I'm not going to be training for a few more weeks at least, and hopefully it'll heal. The MRI showed an area of bone bruising, but apparently the people at the health center feel something else is wrong with it as well. I dunno, I'm not happy. Weird thing is it really doesn't get set off by anything else I've tried, only running long distances.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
0.01 Miles | 1:00 | 1:40:00 / Mile |