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Placer to ALT & Back

April 1, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Up early at Jake's to get in the run. Thank God it wasn't raining! Got out the door around 630 and was on the road before 7, which was great.

Dry and partly sunny conditions to start, which only got better! Took a mile to warm up but the legs felt fine -- took one bottle and a light belt. Dropped the jacket at K2 and rolled. By 4 miles in, I pretty much gave up on keeping the feet dry: the trail going up to the meadow was half-creek!

Did HS to 49 in about 60-flat. Stopped to deuce and drain the bottle and guzzle another at the faucet across from the AS. So I kept the bottle empty in the waistband for the run to ALT.

Leaving 49 I took a wrong fork, ran a half mile up the wrong trail before confirming my mistake, then back on the right trail. The shoes were squeaking due to saturation by the time I got on Quarry.

The run from Quarry to ALT was just beautiful: emerging sun through burning-off fog, nice views of the river. Moreover, the stride felt GREAT -- I really focused on opening up the pelvis and letting go of the right side, and it worked!

Thought about a lot of stuff, including Caballo Blanco on that solo canyon run, channeling both his spirit and his words about run gait: easy, light, smooth and fast. I rolled to Brown's, then ALT -- ate a clif and guzzled a bottle+, and dropped a S-Cap, then turned back.

Can't believe how runnable the trail from GG to Brown's is -- like pure single track! Rolled a <40 ALT to BB, then nearly a <33 going up to 49. Stopped at 49 for a GU and more water, and another S-cap -- by now it was legitimately sunny and almost warm. Jake met me going up/down the rocky section to the meadow; nice to run with him, but I was pushing a bit faster than he liked, so I rolled mostly solo -- and agressively - down to No Hands, waited for him, then we jogged to the base of the Robie climb. I pulled away here again, wanting to press.

I ran every step from the rail grade to the finish at Placer -- must be a good 500-800 of climb -- included a 10:00 split from Robie to the track to finish off a stellar run.

I needed that run so badly: to figure out my stride! to get my pelvis and R trunk shit figured out and some efficiency/pop in the gait, and for my brain - to recharge and refocus, remotivate. Just an awesome day.

A solid 30 due to the add-on. Post-run In N Out, then home.

R foot was sore during; not terribly, but sore. The outside, then ankle/shin/calf also got sore = still some braking on the R.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
30.0 Miles