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June 12, 2008 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 75F, windy

Came back from work today a bit tired, but still excited for the AT, just because it was so nice out.

Felt pretty good on the warmup and doing drills at Hayward. The ATs went a little faster than I wanted: 5:30, 5:24. I blame that on my pre-occupation of hearing that Connor and some other dickweeds will be invading Eugene in a couple weeks for the trials. This news (along with other nuggets gleaned from Behrs, such as "Connor is saving up FOOD STAMPS for the trip", which he, of course, obtains fraudulently) was like when Shooter McGavin invades Happy Gilmore's "Happy Place"; and my thought is the same as Happy's: STAY THE FUCK OUT.

Because of that, I ground out the AT a bit. Still kept the breathing easy, but by the end of the 2nd mile, I was getting really hot and running into a strong headwind, so it got a little tough. At least now I'm *pretty sure* I can break 17:00 in a normal 5K. :|

R calf was a bit TECH: still tweaked from the hard bike on Sunday and the steep Pre's hill workout Tuesday. Sucks...gotta watch it...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles