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June 13, 2008 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: 75F, sunny, amazing = FINALLY "Eugene Summer"!

Even though I have the race tomorrow, I had to get out on the bike this afternoon to take advantage of the amazing weather. I had pretty good energy, plus I wanted to burn some off before going out with Stef tonight.

Hopped on the bike and did the ol' Willamette River bike loop, to Owosso Bridge and back. Just AMAZING.

Before leaving, Behrs was talking about the people coming out for the trials, so the beginning on the ride I was dwelling upon Connor coming out, and this of course led to me thinking about how much I'd like to tell him to fuck off. But that all ended when my mp3 player switched songs from some Foo Fighters to "Cracklin' Rose" by Neil Diamond:

Just an awesome, CHILL SONG. In an instant, I quit pissing time away thinking about that, and I took in the amazing moment: biking through Skinner Butte park, with all the hippies laying around, playing hackey sack, while I cruised along beneath the warmth of the afternoon sun, with the green Willamette River rolling along side me. Just AWESOME.

It was one of the greatest moments of 2008, right up there with scaling Harney Peak a couple weeks back. Just a PERFECT DAY, and that moment absolutely embodied what I have hoped this summer would be, dating back more than two years.

Had a really nice ride overall, and back by the Autzen Bridge I found the "steep hill" namesake of tomorrow's race. I dismounted and did a couple rehearsal "runs" up it. It's seriously so steep you have to climb up it: about 12-15' high.

Headed home, did circuits, then cleaned up. Had a terrific night out with Stef. Seriously awesome chick: she's like a fitter, bad-ass version of Pam Beaseley which, of course, is unbelievable. Talked about running and biking most of the night. She bikes 70mi round trip to Corvalis "for fun". Wow.


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