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"Michael Scott's Dunder-Mifflin, Scranton, Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Fun Run Pro-Am Race For the Cure"

June 14, 2008 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Woke up around 0600 today; couldn't sleep much of the night, a lot of it due to trains waking me up, and itchy goddamn poison oak or some shit I got on my legs earlier this week.

Packed up a bit, went over to Phoenix Inn for some of their good bread, some cereal, and a coffee.

Biked to Alton Baker for the race.

RACE REPORT: "Michael Scott's Dunder-Mifflin, Scranton, Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Fun Run Pro-Am Race For the Cure" (aka "Steep Hill Challenge")

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This was a 5K cross country race in Alton Baker Park. About 95% was off-road, with about 60% of that on wood chip trail and the other 40% on tight, winding single-track through woods and fields. There were 3 sets of hay bales and one huge mother-f-ing hill.

- Mile 1: Started in Alton Baker (west end of Pre Trails), running east. The entire first mile was nice wood chip trail with a couple tight 90 turns over a wood bridge.

- Mile 2: After a hair-pin turn-around through the small wooded area, the course turned into the BMX park, about 400m into the 2nd mile. Before the park it veered into the woods for a ~K long stretch of tight, winding single-track. Grass was knee to waist high with some overhanging branches. After looping around the millrace lake, it went up and over on a bridge, then dumped out on the Pre Trails.

- Mile 3: Back on the Pre Trails for about 600m leading to more single track leading up to Autzen Bridge. A slight uphill led to the "Steep Hill": a 12-15' high bank requiring a "launch" up it, followed by scaling on all 4s to the top. On top was ~300m of more windy singletrack before dumping back onto Pre. The last half mile was on the Pre Trails, heading west to Alton Baker.

PLAY-BY-PLAY: At the horn, I got out quick and took the lead. 1-2 other guys were behind me but never got up on my shoulder. First mile was quite relaxed with good, controlled breathing. Hit the mile in 5:11 feeling strong.

From 1-2 miles I tried to lose the guys I heard breathing behind me: I took the hairpin into the woods tight and quick and bought a bit of distance, then worked hard to use my trail running agility and run efficiently through the winding single-track. Some of the turns were quite tight and required some fancy footwork and some decels. I bought some breathing room on the bridge overpass leading back to Pre, but lost it having to brake down the steep decline that dumped us back on the wood chips. Winded around the lake and into a bit of a breeze. 2nd mile in 5:17. Given the footing, that, if anything, was a speed-up.

The last mile took us back toward Autzen Bridge, under canopy forest. Had to yell at two women with ghee little dogs (unleashed, of course) to get out of the way. Just before the Steep Hill, I could hear two people breathing behind me, but I was determined to keep them at bay 'til after the Steep Hill. I was definitely now tiring.

Hit the uphill approaching the hill and was determined to launch off the large rock at the base of the hill, hoping to scale the hill faster and gain some advantage. I made quick work of the hill, but so did the others; the guys were right on me as we climbed up the tree roots to the top. At the top, my quads just BURNED. The footing was quite shitty as we rolled the single track along the ridge towards Autzen. Though tired, I still felt strong.

Bottoming out onto a brief stretch of pavement, I was determined to "surge" the 100m back to the chip trail, which I did. Or so I thought. Quick around the corner and back on the trail, I was surprised to find consecutive hay bale jumps. I cleared them fine, but shortly thereafter, the guy who would eventually win blew past me, along with a guy in a Eugene Marathon singlet (who would later introduce himself as Marcel).

As this point, with about 800m to go, I was HURTING. BIG FUN had hopped on my back at this point. I focused hard on the guys ahead of me, who were quickly gapping me, and worked good form. With ~200m to go, I through it all down, but I was well gapped.

Finished in 16:26, good for 3rd. The winner, some guy named Bob (I think) won in 16:09, with Marcel in 16:20. "Bob" put 17 seconds on me in the last 800m! Wow.

Despite the pwnage in the last half, I thought it went TERRIFIC. Although the trails were in great shape, this was NOT a fast course, especially with the extended, winding single-track segments. And that Steep Hill was murderous. Despite that, I managed to run my 3rd fastest 5K cc time ever. Considering I'm scarcely into training right now and running only ~50 mpw (AND I did a hill workout, an AT workout, and biked last night), I am QUITE PLEASED!

After a brief drink (and some seering pain of salty sweat rolling into my eyes), I changed out of my Asics Banditos (a terrific stability "flat"/marathon shoe) and back into the Kayanos for a slow cooldown. The R calf was GARBAGE, unfortunately -- may have to take tomorrow off.

On the cooldown I ran into the guy who took 4th. His name was Pat and is a track coach at Eugene Marist (catholic) HS. We talked about the race, and then how much it SUCKS to be a head track coach.

Did a 1.5 loop with him, then did another loop solo. Stretched and waited for awards. No stuff for 3rd overall, but in the random drawing I got this sweet Nike gear bag. I also got a sweet running at AND a nice pint glass just for running.

Biked home, lifted (to get 4 lifts in this week, which is great), and did circuits.

GREAT DAY! This weekend's going awesome so far...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles