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to work, then Big PRE

September 23, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Leisurely morning - hard UE workout and first-ever handstand! Worked the hell out of my feet with tennis ball and heel mobs. Walked, then ran to work, did a mile on the treadmill, then PRE.

FOCI: worked on the OPENING of the pelvis - extending there - then not-overextending the LEs. On the mill/camera: still really good extension of the LEs, but no braking! :) Ran easy on PRE and the legs felt quite good!

Post-run: SORE BACK! F. Turns out I over-did the pelvic opening (=lumbar extension). I think I just need to be "open" and lengthened (in the PD sense) and simply focus more on not over-extending out of pattern with the LEs.

Wore the adizeros

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles