May 12, 2009 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: 65, MEGA-WINDY
GREAT SHOW last night! While I didn't recognize enough songs (I'm a little behind on my "E Street" material!), the BOSS put on a terrific display. The only thing that sucked was standing on our feet for 3.5 hours! The legs were TRASHED...and I felt some soreness/pain in my L medial pes tendons, I think.
Waited til around noon to run. VERY WINDY. I was planning on a track session, but the wind + Springsteen legs precluded that, so it was gonna be a 5K AT. However, that L pes tendon AND some L achilles "barks" told me to just bag it.
Ran MacBridge Sandwich, sort of: Ellie + MacBride, then straight back without Beth. Felt GOOD. Very relaxed. The medial tendons, I think, are adductors (again), and my L achilles might be from me splinting my foot during strike/push-off, rather than just relaxing and letting it "work". Gotta monitor that...
I'll try for the AT tomorrow.
Out to dinner with Jimmy and his family at the Bungalow, where they had Moose Drool ON TAP!!! Then a beer at Barker's. Peroni RULES!
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
12.0 Miles |