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Hardesty-base June loop

October 12, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Nice, easy day at work. Did have to work late to do an "emergency pool visit" for a patient in rough shape. Left there at 1, directly to Goodman TH.

The forecast called for rain - our first real moisture in, quite literally, three months. Wore a LS and jacket. It was cool. Took no water.

Focused on EASE going up Hardesty. The other form foci:

- Pelvic opening (especially "sitting extension" on the R) and overall a bit of lumbar extension = "Killian Butt"
- Feet pulled up, and straight down.

Super-easy up Hardesty, being sure not to go into a hard breathing rhythm. A harder Hardesty is usually around 60-low (my fastest ever is maybe 58-high). An easy is 65. I figured I'd do a 64-66, but cut a 62! Definitely the most efficient ascent ever. Took 3 clif bloks, then hit the cutoff trail.

The first 5 of this loop is straight up, then the next half hour is rolling, then the second half is basically all downhill. Mid-run, it occurred to me that, even though it was cool and I didn't have to work hard, that I was gonna be water-depleted: I took none with, drank none beforehand, and had only two cups of tea and a grande Americano for fluid. Oops.

Didn't matter too much. Felt relaxed on the descent, though I did battle with some crampiness in the lower abs. The final 35ish minutes are on the flat/rolling Goodman Ck trail, which is an incredible way to end the run. I thought about how much easier I felt running this, compared to a year ago. Learning...

Did the (admittedly-not-quite) 20-miler in 2:5x. About 4-4.5K of vert. Just a great run. Good to be back there, my first since pre-WS.

Post-run: called my cousin, who's wife just gave birth to the first Uhan in 31 years; went out for beers with our new PT intern; had excellent Mezza Luna pizza.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
20.0 Miles