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Campus AT run

May 22, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70ish, breezy, sneaky hot

Did a bit of studying, then took off for the run. I found out this AM I'm now eligible to take the Boards -- but I'll probably wait 'til I get out there, with a tentative test date of 6/12. Just thinking about that gave me a bad stomach ache all morning. :S

Felt OK on the warm-up but the calves were trashed. Annoying. Not sure why they're trashed, other than from doing more quick running these days.

The AT went pretty well. I ran it on the UWRF course again, with 4 quick strides beforehand (which ARE getting better, thankfully). Kept it real easy this time, because I want to believe that whatever "AT" pace is, should ultimately be sustainable for a marathon pace! IDEALLY.

Went through the mile in 5:39 and the deuce in 11:12 (5:33). Slowed a bit (again) in the last mile because of the couple gentle ups/downs and the uphill finish. 17:40 5K. Not great, but much more relaxed/easy effort today than last week. Kept my breathing very relaxed until that last uphill.

Did some cooldown in campus then headed home.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles