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June 15, 2008 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Slept in all the way 'til 0700, then popped out of bed for a morning of tea and quality time with NPR. I got some pretty good gut rot from the cajun food I ate last night, so I put off the run 'til that was out of my system.

After the race yesterday I drove to Portland to hang out with Shana. I really had very little interest in doing this because (1) I was pretty damn tired from a long week + the race, (2) Shana's got a lot of "Gulia" in her, meaning she's super air-headed and, in my tired state, tough to tolerate, and (3) there was definitely zero chance of anything other than "friend stuff" transpiring, especially after my great night with Stef.

It was a beautiful afternoon, and on my way up there I couldn't help but think I was blowing a Saturday. I really wasn't into it, and I was thinking about how I should be driving to Bend, instead, to just chill with Casey and Dari.

We had an OK time in Portland. Per usual scatter-brained-ness, Shana had nothing planned and no ideas of where to go, so we drove to Oxbow Regional Park -- the one place in the PDX area I know -- and hung out there. We thought about camping, but I wasn't really about to share a tent with her, so we went back to PDX. The highlight of the night was dining at this cajun restaurant called "Montage". It was a bitch to find, since Shana has zero clue how to find anything in a city she's lived in for a half-decade. But after driving concentric circles around east Portland, we found it.

After dinner I was WIPED OUT. But we wound up going dt for a drink, which wasn't bad. But I was tired, and not really in the mood for too much chit-chat. Around 2230 we headed back to her place in Beaverton.

Somewhere along the way, she offered to let me "sleep in her bed". I told her I had a "very comfortable air mattress" instead; however, on the ride home I decided I'd DIETA entirely on staying there, especially since I wake up mega-early...and to be honest, I just wanted to get outta Dodge.

So I dropped her off, broke the news I was leaving, and busted out after 11PM for Eugene. On the way home, I called up Dan, who I hadn't talked to since The Godfather's grad party. We talked for nearly an hour and caught up on things -- living in Cincy, his internship, Mel, etc. I filled him in on my end: work, running, travel and my budding love interest. :)

Our convo lasted almost 'til I got to Salem, so it was a quick hour after that and I was back in town. Not a terrible day, but a seemingly waste of a precious Saturday. :|

After a decent night's sleep, I felt OK Sunday morning. Did a lot of "errand" things: unpacked the car, did laundry, emailed some people, and most importantly, finished the May Newsletter!

Once that was finished, it was time to run. Even after noon, it seemed really cold, so I started the run with a t-shirt on. After drills at Hayward, I didn't need it, since it was warm, sunny, and breezy.

Had a nice, easy, and relaxing run on the Amazon/Rexius loop. At first I wasn't even going to run today, but the calf was fine and I kept it easy. Thought about going 12 but played it smart.

Got back to the apartment, did circuits, and around that time, Keith got home from work. We went to WinCo to grocery shop, then home. On the way home from Springfield, Stef called and we made plans to enjoy some "TRANcakes" at our humble apartment.

Stef stopped by around 1930, and it was a terrific night: we dined on a yummy omelette (which I think I've finally perfected) followed by TRANs. Keith put on a good "Mose"-like show by doing his hip exercises and core work most of the time we were there.

After dinner, we went for a "fitness walk" around campus. BEAUTIFUL NIGHT. We walked down 13th to Agate and toured the dorm area where, at one point, both of us lived. From there, we went to Hayward and hopped the fence on the southside. Taking it in from the new bleachers on the first turn was amazing: what an incredible facility, especially at sunset. We walked a lap, then sat down in the first row of the East Grandstand and hung out for quite a while, just talking and watching the sun go down to the West.

As we were leaving, exiting from the concourse beneath the East Grandstand, desire and chemistry trumped cliche (and perhaps better judgment) and we exchanged our first kiss. Very cheesy, but very awesome. How many people can say they've done that, I wonder?

Walked back to my apt, and by then, it was near 11PM -- wayyy past my bedtime. We parted ways and after some calf stretching, I hit the sack.



Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles