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VRC Tempo

February 27, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 40s? Dry at noon...

Weird day. Because our census is so low (e.g. patient load), my boss Jeff basically forced me to take vacation this afternoon - it was a pain in the ass. But rather than take an entire afternoon off, I had off from noon-4, then came back for one 1/2hr patient. Weird.

What made it more weird is that I was SUPER-cranky this morning, like mega. I am a bit stressed, but not "SUPS" - almost felt ill...

The idea was to do 2+mi tempo - the usual Wednesday pre-marathon: super-comfortable, just work some pace.

Ran only about 2K over to the bike path, with some stretching and light ball massage to the hammies beforehand. Did about 3 sluggish strides and I was off. I monitored the 400m's and found I was on 5:40 pace. No big deal, I guess, though it's not good practice to go this fast in an opening mile.

Practiced taking a Powerbar Gel at the mile mark - they're like 10x more liquid-y than GUs, so I'm gonna use them instead. The vanilla was a bit strong but it went down EASY without water. Crossed the bridge and headed back.

On the way back, I felt sluggish: I did turn into the wind, but still, just felt off. Splits were slower. Hit the 2nd mile in 5:50! F!

I walked for about 200m, all pissed off. After about 100m, I decided I'd allow myself 100m more of negativity, before thinking positively. So I swore some more, then started to rationalize:

- It was windy and uphill on the way back
- I AM really fit - relative to Feb the past...many years!
- Pretty sure it's ALLERGIES that are making me feel like shit

So I jogged back to work. Didn't take an allergy tab 'til about 6PM and it showed: I wasn't as crabby, BUT I had substantial gut rot and my throat hurt. Huh.

Post-work: went home, did 4 sets of strength and hung out. No Max's tonight - just felt tired. Bed by 930.


- So Christy dropped two sneaky nuggets on me, I think designed to make me wanna stay:

1.) She comes into my room in the AM, telling me that Pleasant Hill HS "really needs a track coach" this spring. I'd talked to her and Jeff about coaching (at nearby powerhouse Sheldon HS). I thought it was weird she'd push that on me now...

2.) Because my schedule was so open, she put a "pro bono" (no charge) patient, a friend of hers, on my schedule as a running eval. She JUST happens to be exactly my age, fairly attractive, and SINGLE. "R-Ruh-REALLY, bro!?" ("Really?")

So I worked with her (I don't think this woman was "in on it"), right before lunch. Also there was another mutual friend, who was hanging in the clinic while we worked. Post-session, they were discussing going out for this woman's (the patient) birthday tonight. Later in the day, Christy said, "yeah, you should stop by!" AH! "R-really?".

Wow, interesting developements. I didn't bite. She was very nice, a fairly cute, but...I don't think so...

- Very randomly checked Chelsea's FB page last night...and she's no longer listed as "In a Relationnship". Huh. Why? Did her and Jefe - just two weeks off some luxurious Mexico trip (where she posted pics) break it off? Or is this another "marketing attempt" wherein she makes herself look single to lure in some more hopeless saps like me?

I dunno. I fantasized about her contacting me, then me giving her the George Costanza/Leslie (the girl who spewed Bosco syrup on his red shirt) tell-off tirade. But ultimately, I think I'll just go with this:

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles