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Blanton + Baldy loop

March 15, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60, mostly sun, MEGA-MEGA-POLLENY!

Good morning at work (playing R&B jams in the clinic today), then went to PT. Mike worked on my ankle, which - as I predicted - was locked up as shit. He also did some PNF resistance to my L leg. Swear to God I've never been worked so hard in my life. I was laughing it was so damn hard!

Thought about going out to Hardesty, but I didn't want to make the drive. My coworker Pete invited me out to Happy Hour beers, so I wanted to make that. So I ran from the apt, doing a hybrid road + trail run: my apt to the Ridgeline and back.

Ran from the apt, through town, to South Eug, then up to the far west end of Ridgeline (Blanton St), then took it the entire length to Mt Baldy, then down to the Rexius/Amazon creek path, back to the house. So, the first 3-4 miles were flat, then climbing about 1000' to the ridge, then rolling, then about another 300' to the top of Baldy, then down and flat the last 5ish miles.

The first few miles were fucking AWFUL. I took a Zyrtek at 1 but, by 3PM it hadn't kicked in yet. I felt so fucking terrible that I almost bagged the whole run. I started the road climb up Blanton, going about 20min pace, and - after an allergy-induced DEUCE - I seemed to come around.

"What else do you need?.........MUSIC!". Decided to bring along my mp3 player to practice for Sonoma. After deucing, I put it in and just let it play on random. It was great! Jammed to some random songs - Police, Tom Petty, PJ, Enrique...tons of stuff! And I just worked on being really efficient and "left pushing right".

The mid-section of the run felt really good, which was awesome. Ran the whole ridgeline, almost doing a Spencer summit, then went up and down Baldy, then some new singletrack around powerline and down to Rexius on the "home stretch".

By the time I got down to Rexius...the Zyrtek wore off. I felt shitty...UGH! I think a bunch of the pollen might've been settling in that creek valley...I dunno. The last several miles were a struggle, but I was form-focused and it was OK.

Stopped x3 to do pull-ups (x10 on the way out, x7 at mile 10, then another x10 with 2 mi to go).

Post-run: laid around in the sun a bit on my DEHCK and tried to breathe. Felt TERRIBLE. After 30min of laying around, I did some conditioning, then went for some beers.

Almost didn't go because I was so sick, but I'm glad I did: hung out with Pete (married w/two kids), on a rare free night out. He was there with two other guys, and the four of us went to a new place in SPFD, then Bier Stein, then Max's. Good night!

UGH fest:

- So in Bier Stein I spied a really attractive woman, in a four some with a girl and two guys. She caught me looking at her twice. NBD...but when she did, I quickly looked away.

R-Really bro? Honestly, there's absolutely nothing wrong with *looking at someone*, but the creepo thing to do is look away. A friendly (if not a bit assertively flirty) thing to do, instead, is to SMILE at them!

Ugh, I was annoyed at myself. I've got such a void of "King energy" right now; I need to remember that people LIKE to be engaged, looked upon, and engaged (obvs to a point). And if I'm afraid to f-in' LOOK at someone, my prospects of cultivating relationship are not good.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
16.0 Miles