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March 7, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

EARLY morning - up before 4AM and to the airport, thanks to J-Bob. Got into DSM at 1ish, and thankfully was able to check into my hotel early.

Rested, watched TV (=crack for me), and did some conditioning. Class started at 5PM.

FUN night: a good friend, Ryan Johnson, was assistant teaching the course. I met him at one of my first PT education classes in LA the fall of 2010. His parents are like..."the God Parents" of PNF (

Ryan is 29 and, after a few years of "hanging out", is now becoming super-PT. He's super-smart, but also a really nice, humble guy. Very fun to hang out with. He had a fellowship in Eugene - with my PT Mike (who's SUPS AMAZ) and another awesome PT a year ago, and we hung out a lot.

In addition to him, Mike's new resident Michelle (who I've done some studying with) was at the course, and their mutual friend, Jessica.

Post-class, the four of us went out for beer and pizza. Very fun!!