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March 27, 2013 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50, rain

Had a pretty good day at work; not too tired, finally got my haircut at noon. Wasn't totally looking forward to Hardesty; the legs and body are feeling worn for what's going to likely be my hardest training week of '13, thus far.

Was happy to see it rain a bit on the way out; a good sign that pollen is being washed out of the air. At the TH, it was wet but not raining, but by the time I got running, it began to drizzle.

It was MUDDY! Not sure how much it rained, but it looked like a ton in the past week+. The first 1.5 mi were SUPZ-MUDZZ, making it difficult to stay on my feet, let alone run. Slow going the first two mi, then OK once I got higher and out of the muddy areas.

The first couple miles were slow (about +1min/mi above PR pace), so I feared I'd be cutting a 67-68, but I felt REALLY good - very sustainable. Thought about "TALL-ARMS-HIPS":

Tall: chest fwd
Arms: NO SWIVS, using my elbows and arms up/down (they're actually a bit sore from the track session!)
Hips: R "sitting down"+opening, L "pushes wide"

Got a nice boost from the wider stride - it's so excellent up and down.

About 2/3 of the way up I got really tired...then 3/4 felt a weird surge of energy. Like, zero carbs other than an apple all day, once again, so it was more depletion feeling. It's nice to have an "excuse" to feel tired and weak.

Was surprised to summit and see 63:40 on the watch, which was about the split last time in better (though pollen-y) conditions. Stayed just long enough to pee, as it was cold and rainy, and my Twig-N-Berries were chilled!

GOOD descent - was not ill - but I had to hold onto the T-n-B because they were cold and chafed! Made it down in 42, which included a slip/slow fall backward.

Good run! Glad to have gotten that good work in...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles