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River Path from SEHS w/The Queen

March 28, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: mid 50s, DRY = POLLEN-TASTIC

Meghan had a marathon-pace workout from Ian T to do; on Tuesday she asked me to run it with her. This wasn't on "the schedule", as Thursday is usually my easy day, but I thought an uptempo-ish run with Royalty would be good.

Felt VERY tired all day, but had a good afternoon. Met Queen at SEHS and got after it just after 6:15. Ran down 24th to Hilyard to the bike path. We were on 6:3x pace by then.

The plan also called for a 1min "surge" every mile; those wound up ranging in the 6:00 to low 6:xx pace.

I felt OK but clunky initially; but as we went along I felt, "just not comfortable" - the effort seemed OK, but the legs weren't moving like I wanted them to.

My major focus was good hip push off/reel-in, AND GOOD (non-SWIVS) ARMS: a strong "pump" down/behind.

Side note: it's shocking how "disconnected" my arms have become from my hips. NOt sure why. Running with bottles? I don't know. But that's where SWIVZ comes from: a complete disconnect between legs and arms. That's also why my turnover is slow as shit -- the arms aren't helping the legs get up/down. ALSO: I think this is why my arms are damn small/weak, despite all my push-ups/pull-ups. I've noticed that in the past couple weeks, working on efficient arms, that my bi's/tri's are more sore!

Anyway, we roll down the river and by about halfway, the allergies are kicking in: fatigue, some gut-rot and deuce urge. Thankfully Meghan had to go, too, so we separately ducked off trail to "TCB".

On the way back, I felt OK, but only for about another mile. The last 3-4 miles went from bad to worse: clunky stride, hamstring tightness, some L foot pain...and TONS of gut rot and difficultly breathing/lung soreness. UGH!

Only in the last mile, when my back started to hurt AND my abs started to feel really tight, did I realize I was flat-backing. TRIPLE UGH! Damn it! SoaB!

FINALLY, we hit 12 miles by Hayward Field. I actually had to stop and go hands-and-knees. The allergies were brutal. We jogged about 9:00 pace the 1.5mi back to SEHS.

Meghan is a beast! Even though we slowed to 6:4x, she did great. I think she did have allergy reaction (gut, some wheezing), though she denied it. But pretty damn awesome for a almost 52 year old chick!!!

Overall: NOT a good run. I went flat-back, I think, because I've lost focus on this in the past couple weeks...worrying about 20 other things! But the sustained uphills puts me there. I think I'm just gonna have to keep taping for me to "remember", along with all the other stuff.

Good news was I did an excellent job of arm efficiency, and I don't think I was braking much. But you can't have fast turnover and efficiency when you're "Grandpa Joe"!

Felt like shit the rest of the night. NO BEER...which was weird. Just didn't feel like it...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
13.5 Miles