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March 31, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Other

Slept in-ish...until 8ish. Was productive this morning:

- laundry
- cleaned/vacuumed
- more strength (3 sets of wall stands, pull-ups, abs, gluts)

Decided to go ice skating; got this idea last week and was really excited for it...then like quadrupe excited once I got there!!! Skated at the Lane Ice Center - a much underfunded, maligned institution in Eugene. It's not a dedicated ice rink - the ceilings are like double high because it was originally a horse arena, so it's 4x more expensive to keep the ice cool. It's almost closed like 2894 times, so I was glad to be there to support it.

It was SUPZ nice out at 12:15 - like 75F and sunny! - which was great, because there were only about six people on the ice at any time. Busted out my old ice skates, that I bought used back in 1996! I bet I hadn't worn them since 2007.

Laced up, then hit the rink. The first lap? YIKES! I felt like that girl in the vid! But by the 3-4th laps I began to remember. 10min in I felt AWESOME. By that time, I grabbed my mp3 player and jammed out to some tunes!

Did a bunch of different things:

- big laps, various speeds - ALL going clockwise for the L hip
- tight circles/figure-8s around the face-off circles, working on trunk stability and unilateral push off. As expected, I was worse on the L (turning R) compared to R.
- HARD sprints the length of the ice, w/hard stops (L sided).

Fuck, it was a blast! SO FUN! Having my own rockin' tunes helped, too. Jammed to Foo Fighters, Disturbed, and some Eminem. Very fun.

My hips burned SO BAD - mostly from the running, at first, then from skate fatigue. Planned on skating only 30min, but was there for over an hour!

I'll definitely be back; probz only x1 more before Sonoma, but maybe x4-5 in the "off" week post-Sonoma!!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes