June 6, 2009 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: high-50s, nice
Woke up early to run to DT and meet Jeff for the Challenge mile. I found out on FRI he was gonna run, so I decided I'd at least pace him.
I ran down the trail to DT (3.5), then we did the course x3 for warm-up. The race was CRAZY: there were very few people there (WTF?) but they were FAST. The race got out HARD and Jeff blew his doors off getting out! Totally ignoring my pacing, he went out in 65!!! (with me a second back). That was a shock, espeically in the clunky trainers/orthotics. After that quarter, the wheels started to fall off. We hit the half in 2:55 and he really struggled from 8-14, with a decent finish for 5:22. AWFUL PACING, but any guy that can get out "not all out" (his words) in 65 has a ton of potential.
The mile, especially slowing down in the 2nd half, felt EASY. Did some harder running while watching the chick's race (which STEF took 3rd), and felt good then, too.
Did 1 lap cooldown with him and Dan, then I ran home with Dan on bike. Within 200m on the bike path I rolled up on Marla Runyan (with her crazy trapezius muscles!) and the bulk of the UO distance track team (both Mercatos, Wheating, etc). Said "yo" to them all. Very fun.
Next up: COAST BIKE!
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
12.0 Miles |