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Michigan Bluff to Last Chance and back

May 23, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60s -> mid-70s - ideal

Slept in a bit, beyond 8AM. Slept OK, but was up a couple times. The ice cream is messing with me - making me gassy and indigestive. Both BGD and I dragged ass a bit this morning to prep for the run; we both knew what was coming: to LC and "hard" on the return. Gary was primed and waiting for us for a good 15-20 minutes, but I wasn't rushing.

Felt stiff and slow on the up from Carol's to the canyon rim; had a slow, easy descent to El D. BGD's neck/1st rib was bothering him, so I worked on him on the bridge deck of El Dorado. From there, a very slow, easy climb to Deadwood. Gary was chatty - not terribly so - but I was absolutely in no mood to talk. At all. I get that way, especially A.) when tired, and B.) when something rough is coming up. So when we got to Deadwood and I got out front a bit, I took advantage and gapped Gary and BGD, and got a good hour+ break, going solo to Devil's, down to Swinging Bridge, then up to LC. Ran maybe half the climb up to Pacific Slab, and all of the jeep road to LC. Waited around a few minutes before BGD and Gary arrived. Ate a whole sleeve of Clif Bloks to prepare.

When we finally took off, BGD said something about Anton's "FKT" of 1:55. I'm sure there's a thousand people who could run that faster, but because it was Anton's, I decided that I wanted to CRUSH it. Again, I pushed the flats/gentle downhills, making Pacific Slab in 8:47 (9:33 on Sunday), then had a moderate descent to SB. Surprisingly, Gary crept up to me. I looked at my HR - it was pushing 160; I asked him, "Hey Gary, what's *your* heartrate at?". He replied, "180!" and, after that, I didn't see him again. That goes to show you: it's not worth pushing the downs hard - you work so much harder for just an extra minute or so!

Hit SB in 10:47, then made my way up Devil's. I didn't think I was running fast, yet there was nothing doing to get my HR under 170. But I ran what I felt was a sustainable pace upt he whole thing without much issue. I was really hoping for about a 28, so I was shocked when I hit the summit at 24-flat! Wow! OK, now the Anton time was definitely doable. Pushed aggressively on the flats once again, with the HR consistently in the high 150s; had a very smooth descent to Deadwood (12min?), then made my way to El D. Didn't push it hard, just assertive. Once again, I was hoping for a couple minutes sub-40 and again, shocked when I got down to the bridge and split 34:40!

Even before the bridge, I just knew I'd have a strong climb. Took my last gel crossing the bridge and though, "Gosh, all I have to do is have an above-average climb and I've got it". Ran the whole climb, but the spring I'd shown on the Thumb wasn't there on the MB climb. I really wanted sub 30, but I hit 10-minute creek at 20:xx and knew I wouldn't crush it - it'd be close. So with a half-mile to go, I pushed hard - and the HR peaked at 18x. Ran hard over the top and ran to the corner/AS for a 30:25.

GOOD RUN. Wow. 1:48:37 for the inbound. Every bit but the last ten minutes felt sustainable...not for 100 miles, but certainly never out of control.

I think, on that run, that was the first time where I *truly believed* I could win the race. Right now. This year. I think I can climb with anyone, and hold my own (and keep it low-stress) on the descents. And, frankly, I don't think there's anyone out there - save a 100%, impassioned Jimothy - who can run with me on the flats. Period. And that's the marathon/track training.

Post-run: got immediately into the shower to rinse with Tecnu, then with poison oak soap. BGD rolled in only a few minutes beyond me, which was awesome: both us under the "FKT". Carol was at the house, so I chatted with her once out of the shower.

The rest of the day went fast: some enjoyable brews and convos around the hot tub with BGD, then food and more food.

Back was REALLY sore in the evening. Retrospectively: I banged it up on the track, then didn't stretch it out pre-run. Felt 100% on the run, but the R hip flexor got progressively tighter which was "yanking" on the R lumbar. Ughz. The legs felt good, though!

Ran in the M2's again.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
25.0 Miles