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June 5, 2013 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 80 down low, maybe high 60s on top

It's weird to think that it's been FOUR weeks since I've summit'd Hardesty! I had a good day at work with pretty good energy, but I knew it'd be a slog. Focused on "100 mile pace", going very easy with very easy "yoga breathing" on the way up. I was hoping that I'd be secretly fast, but I only split a 65, which is fine.

The heels were VERY sore, the R > L. I have this problem of not being able to relax the ankle, especially on uphills, so I'm in this stiff plantarflexion all the time. Almost (maybe should've) had to stop to stretch them out. Once on top, I spent a few minutes stretching both.

The way down was sluggish: ALLERGIES. The grass pollen is completely out of control (apparently a ten-fold increase from "normal" this week). It hits me differently than tree pollen: less crushing depressive fatigue, but when I max out on it, I do get tired and nasty gut rot. Deuced on the way back down, then had a sluggish rest of the descent.

Pretty lackluster Hardesty, but all things considered (fatigue, low carb, allergies), it was OK. I was TOTZ craving orange juice on the descent (was also dehydrated), so I stopped at a gas station for some on the way home. Might actually have some with my crew for WS.

My friend/old roommate Matt came over last night post-run for some injury advice. Since I took him on the long Hardesty loop, he's been having foot and ankle pain. Ughz! We got him shored up, which is good, because on Friday AM, he's running from his house to school - 26.2 miles! He and a couple other teachers (and some former students) are leaving his house at 0330, to run the whole thing before the last day of school! He did this two years ago (or last year?), and it's becoming a big deal. Pretty cool...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles