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Slow, "Barkley Hunt"

September 17, 2013 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 65, dry

Weird weather: rained HARD on and off 'til 4...then sun!

SPECIAL hunt today, since:

A.) LB's in town
B.) He's back running!

So, for the first time since ~Sonoma, he ran the hunt with us.

Big group: me, Mr Roberts, LB, [ex-landlord]Matt, Eric (who paced DanO at P2P), Tommy, new-girl Emily, Lewis.

Via email, LB alluded to doing a "Barkley hunt", which invariably involves hiking up a 30% grade through blackberry bushes and thick trees, so I came prepared w/pants!

Ran from ManSpace, down to Amazon, then up the steep Dillard Rd up toward Baldy, starting to hike once we got off trail and up Baldy. The goal has always been to exactly hit the bench at the summit, and today we did! It was funny to see how excited LB was; he was literally giggling with excitement! Love that guy and his "youthful enthusiasm"!

What I didn't like: he was SUPER-gimpy running, like basically limping, really bad the 1st mile, then so-so beyond that. It annoys me to no end that he's spurned my attempts to help him, too! UGHZ.

Fun post-run beers, after the 6x min/5mile run!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles