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NYC - short East River

September 28, 2013 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: mid-70s, nice

More of the same for Saturday, except longer! We started at 8AM instead of 9. Ryan overslept while Brad and I were at StarbZ, so that was funny, watching him try to get ready in like 3 minutes ("Now I gotta take a 'Fuck Me! Shower'!").

More americanos and sausy-b's, but a quick cab ride to the class. Was really connecting well with Tiffany - she's smart and has "great hands". Oh, did I mention she's fucking married? Of course...big fuckin' rock on that left hand. But, that didn't stop me from "networking", or otherwise rapport-building. And checking her out at every opportunity. Dear lord!

Only a 30min break for lunch, but that would not stop me from getting out to run. Since were were constantly mobilizing (and otherwise learning interesting things) with the pelvis/LEs, I wanted to go experiment with my stride. Also, since post-lunch was always lecture, that would allow me to cool off after, so I went for 2.5 miles, again along the East River.

Felt OK, but even more tight in the L hammy again. Ugh. I think it's because now my R pelvis is stiff (relatively). My partner is a super nice guy, but not the best manual PT, so he didn't mob it very well. Oh well...

Another good afternoon - lots of coffee (the stuff they made at the class, in those big silver drip things? It was shockingly good!). Class was out at 7ish again; this time a larger group of us went to dinner and once again, I wound up sitting across from Gregg. MORE great convos; we somehow got to talking about biographies (he's into history as well, and I spoke about the Patton and Lincoln bios I read a year ago). We got to talking more and, without prompting, talked to me about some day teaching a course in the IPA! This is nuts, because this is what I have wanted to do for a long time, but have told no one (other than my boss this week). For him to even consider the notion, let alone talk to me about it, is pretty incredible. I'd have a lot to do (finish taking all the courses, get certified, then assistant teach the material), but it would be amazing. I really want to teach the gait course, since that's what I'm most passionate about.

After dinner, and "The parents" (Gregg and Vicki) "went to bed", the rest of us went to another establishment to hang out. It was a bit loud in there at first, but still talkable. The PT crew congregated at two tables in the very back of this quasi-night club, that showed sweet 80s music videos on the TVs.

But I wanted to mingle! I was really hoping that I'd have Ryan as a wing, but he now has a "lady friend", who was about to show up, so I mingled solo. I was lookin good, in my peach dress shirt and skinny jeanZ. I went up to the front bar and sidled up next to a couple ladies, and, with no pre-meditation, started talking.

I've gotten better (but I still generally suck) at perceiving interest from women. If they're interested, they don't care so much about what you have to say. I was talking about the Wisco-OSU game (that I'm from WI, but hate them, but like Oregon, and hate OSU, so I'm rooting for Wisco), and this lady, Alex, was interested. B-)

My issue, though, is that I feel like a bank robber: I'm OK for a while, then I feel like I gotta run off. I was there to get a beer, so once I got it, I took off and headed back to the group. Had my beer with them in back, but it was pretty subdued and boring, so I wandered back up front for a second, and to see if Alex was stil there. She was, and we started talking more: the 80s vids, which then segway'd into some interesting convos. Found out she's in the fashion industry (cute girl, but not supz hot), so that got ME interested, so we talked about men's fashion for a long time (again, "Men's shoes are VERY important"). Wound up getting an "email close" from her (did not ask for the number, it would've been premature and non-functional), and - after a shot of fireball - we parted ways.

FUN! Really glad I was able to put some skillz to use in the NYC!

Things got a bit louder and raucous in the back, by midnight. After screaming "Don't Stop Believin", it was time to leave. Took a cab back to Ryan's. Another great day in the books!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.5 Miles