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PRE + Spfd + Fairmount/Campus

October 9, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 55, dry, sunset

Another sluggish day at work, sheesh! I got worried, thinking, "OMG, I'm overtrainined". After work (:45 late because I was working on my friend Matt as a pt at the end of the workday), I went home, drained, and unmotivated. So I went back to my r-logs from '11 and '12, and low and behold, also this time of year: ALLERGIEZ. Dunno if it's mold or WTF, but something kicks in this time of year.

So I bucked up, took a Zyrtek and a few puffs from the inhalar (this could also explain why it's so hard to get a breath, swimming), and went for a run at 6ish.

Felt pretty good. Ugh, though...if it's not one stride thing it's another. I am doing a better job at "opening" with the hips, but after a long period of sucking at that, once I rectify my hip extension...I wind up over-striding on my left. So it took about 2/3 the run to recognize that I have to "short" my L foot landing, once I've corrected the R hip ext. This is why my fucking hamstring is chronically tight on the L. Annoying. I think back to WS camp, and how - after that knee pain the first day - I totally dialed my stride by:

- Extending hard with my R hip
- Cleanly driving my L hip forward/upward, but
- Compactly landing with my L foot beneath and slightly lateral.

This was so $$ to relieve my knee pain...because it's the efficient state. I'd been doing #1 and 2 recently , but not being compact in my landing.

Overall, the run felt pretty good. Again, going max aerobic: how fast can I go at 150. I felt like I was able to hit 6:40 or faster for the bulk of it, which was nice. Timed the last "chunk" of the run, which is slight downhill to campus, then flat (and slight up) through DT to home: 18:15. Google maps puts that at 2.7 miles, which works out to like 6:45. I think I was faster than that...gonna track that split, going forward.

AHR: 150 for the whole run.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles