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Whitetail Trails - River Falls

December 29, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: -8, windy!!

Woke up at 0730, then had breakfast atop the revolving restaurant in the Radisson with my family, plus my mom's BFF and my oldest cousin/her family. Had to order creatively off the menu to keep things Paleo (4 eggZ and 3 strips bacon - only 3/4 of my breakfast - cost like $16!!!). My uncle later stopped by and hung out as we wrapped up.

Left Duluth around 930. It was COLD and WINDY. The roads heading south were variable, but mostly sketch due to being blown around! It was disconcerting, driving, but I'm glad I drove and not my mom.

Got back to RF at noon-ish. Had an impromptu convo about Chelsea with my mom before I left for my run.

Not. Great...

...but OK. Neither she or my sis liked the email she sent to Brandie...mostly because that's what Britt did! Ugh. I think it really freaked them both out with the strength of the feelings Chelsea had expressed (as, for them, we've only been "together" for a month). I had to give my mom a lot more background to quell her concerns: in other words, the mistakes *I* made (e.g. pretending to be her friend, yet putting her in "date" situations, etc.) that led to the demise of our friendship.

I knew they'd be sensitized by Britt, so I guess this is the full expression of that. That's OK. Best for the full skepticism to come out now, so that Chels has to deal with it with the full knowledge of what she's up against. I think he's up to the task. Mom ended with "I just want you to be happy", and she expressed that she was glad we were able to communicate about it, especially this early in the game, which did not happen with Britt. So it was ultimately good.

Once that convo wrapped, I headed out for my run. Ran north to the Whitetail mtn bike trail network, which has a 6+mile trail loop (they did the "Ice Box" 8Hr ultra there in November). I'd heard they do snow mtn biking there, and I was right - and the trail was hard-packed and $$!

But the WIND getting there was not. It. SUCKED. Even with a coating of olive oil on my face, it was cold as SHIT. Thankfully it blew hard for only a mile, then I was in the woods.

The loop was solid, though portions of what I normally run weren't well packed, which made for slow-going. Also, the loop that I wound up on was much longer, so I wound up running :56 before tacking on another :05. Thought about doing 2-3 loops out there, but cut it to an hour, then ran home.

Watched the Bears-Packers game afterward - good game, but damn frustrating...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.0 Miles