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SICK, Day 3

January 2, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

OFF again. Felt a little better, but still feverish. Less congested, but coughing a fair amount, still. Didn't do much of anything today, as it was still COLD AS SHIT (high of -3F). I did get my ass out of the house to go to the bank and grocery shop. Then I drove to Hudson (about 10mi away) to meet my friend Jimmy for dinner/beer.

Had some good chats. On his side, talked about work stresses (he's a regional pilot, but hopefully soon-to-be on a major carrier), home stuff, his own health/diet changes (after a friend of his died this fall - big impact on him). On my side, I told him about Chels, and used that as a segway to FINALLY talk about Britt.

Jimmy and his wife are still "friends" (mostly on FB, with some msg comm) with Britt. And I've heard from Erin that he believed her story of what happened with all the crazy home invasion/pregnancy shit. This really frustrated me, so it was good to finally squash that shit. I'm not exactly sure he believed me 100%, but I said my piece.

Drove home, got some Nyquil so I could sleep better.

Had a long (80min) talk with Chels tonight. I apologized for leaving her hanging re: my sister and the email. I did a really shitty job of non-communication. I should've reached out to my sis - and communicated with Chels - way sooner, and not have waited 'til this week. Chels is bummed and frustrated, now:

- One, because my sister never replied, and it's turned this situation awkward
- Two, because with my family so remote/scarce, it's going to be really hard for her to develop rapport with them.

Given how type-A she is, she's having a really hard time with both the lack of communication and opportunity to "fix it".

This sucks. I wish I had realized how chord-striking it would be for her to email. On one hand, for her to own her share of the shit was good, but on the other hand, she didn't do anything wrong to my mom/sis, directly (as Britt did when she "apology emailed"). Pretty unfair... Damn.