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Ice Skating

January 28, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

Pretty good day, though I was tired. It's always an adjustment to sleep with Chels after a long time of not doing so. Also, my allergy shot made me congested overnight. Oh well...

She got up super-early to go to Portland, which also blew. But it gave me time to get ready and to work early.

Pretty good day at work - went by fast. After work I worked on an online gait analysis, then went home to eat a little, then suited up for skating.

Skated a good :40, and felt great! Working on my cross-over skating and R turns. The true reason going R and stopping on my R are bad is because I inwardly angle my skate too much on that foot - FINALLY realized that tonight. It was pretty busy there by 7:45, but it was fun to weave in and out of folks.

Still don't quite feel ready to run. My 2-miler on Sat SUCKED (mostly due to the cold), but I didn't feel good, in general. I just don't feel like rushing it. It's like taking 2 minutes in an Aid Station: there's "pressure" to "go-go-go!", but inside me there's implicit knowledge that being patient now will pay off in a lot more than "two minutes" down the road.

Went to the social part of the hunt afterward. Good times, but it's time for me to start running with them.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes