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Bike to airport

January 24, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Pretty lazy morning: didn't go to work since my flight as at 9:55. Lazed so much that I was actually crunched for time when I finally left, around 830!!

Biked pretty hard to the airport - cold (31F) and sunny - but a good ride. Felt a lot of tightness in the L hamstring, but I'm quite positive it is nerve and tailbone related! It's SUPZ stiff.

Changed at the airport, then proceeded to have an ENJOYABLE travel day, reading a TON:

- "Sum It Up" - the definitive autobio of Pat Summitt
- "Getting the Love You Want" - psych self-help relationship book by Harville Hendricks.

Alternated between the two books on the two flights and 2hr layover in SEA. The GtLYW book is phenomenal: explains a LOT of my wounds, and where they came from, as well as Chels' stuff.

Got in late to MSP because of the snow/wind; Max & Steve picked me up and we headed to NW Wisconsin through blowing snow to the Retreat! SMALL group (30?) but still quality. Good day, overall.

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