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Mt Pisgan double-up/down

March 15, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Didn't sleep all that well. Woke up not too tired at 5 or so. Lazed around then decided I needed to get this vert run in. Slinked into my run gear and shuffled to the truck and drove east to Pisgah.

Got to the mtn at 615. Ran EASY - like, miserably slow/sluggish - for about two miles flatish, then, just as some early rays were coming up, set up the mountain.

It was...pretty cool. The main Pisgah climber is a gravel road/doubletrack trail that's about 1.5 miles and about 1000' climb. As I climbed - lightly shuffling/power-hiking - the mountain in the early hours - it was a striking resemblence to climbing Escarpment on race day.

Adding to that feel was the huge number of people there in the pre-dawn hours! Like...a dozen?? Saw at least a half dozen folks running down - ALL in their 60s, too! Cool.

Did a double up down: 21:xx up and just under 10min down. Did a pretty good job of keeping the HR in the 130s.

DAMN, the quads got cooked on the second down! Looks like I have some work to do to get my quads ready before Sonoma!!!

Wore my OLD Mizuno trail shoes -- the ones I wore from 0-62 in the 2011 WS!!! Fucking PI...I'm wearing random shit because I don't have any more shoes!


BUSY day: hustled home for breakfast, then had a 3-hour coaches meeting put on by the school district. It was...OK. Topics included liability issues, protecting kids from abuse, bullying, etc. Most of our staff showed up, which was cool.

THEN, we had an intrasquad meet at the HS. Hustled again over to the HS to help out. Thankfully the weather was amazing: mid/high 60s, sun/dry.

It was super low key for a meet, which was good. Turns out that the javelin coach/official didn't show, so *I* helped run the jav for the whole day! That was...interesting! It felt good to be useful and help out.

Once that was done, I watched some distance races. Our top guy ran an...OK meet: 4:11 15, 2:02 8 ,then the 4x4 (not sure his split). Our top girl had bad allergies and only ran a 2:25 8.

Meet was really fun, and it was good to just be there, encouraging and affirming these kids, which was my "mission" for the day - to just be positive and affirming. Cleaned up A TON and got out of there by 4:45.

Came home and ate a bit, cleaned up, did some strength work. I had pretty good energy and was feeling good!

Cliff's bday fest began at 7, but I needed some "retail therapy", so I went to Macy's for a wardrobe injection. Found a few cool things...and ALMOST lost my damn truck key with all the clothes I was trying on! I bought a few shirts and as I was walking out, realized I DID NOT have my key! Went to the dressing room...not there. So I had to go back and find (potentially ALL) the jeans I had tried on! Turns out it was in the front pocket of the first pair I checked! Whew!

Got to Falling Sky Brewery at 8 to a nice group of folks: a bunch of runners, and Cliff's gf, Melissa (remember her, from November '13?). Had a good check-in with Melissa; we talked about my relationship ending and how things were going with her/Cliff. Good chat.

Later on the lovely ballerinas arrived. I was hoping to get some good mingle-time with Ashley. She was looking great again tonight. :-) We headed downtown to a few other places. Indeed, I was feeling fairly intoxicated by around midnight (4.5 beers?), so I pulled the plug after that.

Ashley was her usual aloofness for most of the night, though we did chat very briefly a couple times. I wasn't really sure what I was looking for: flirting? Connecting? I dunno. She did give me a few "I.O.Is" (including her hands on my bare abs once!), so who knows?

Overall, I really enjoy spending time with the Ballerinas: Ashley and Hannah Bontrager, Caitlin and Lydia. Had good, quality convos with each of them (except Ashley, ironically). They're all terrific women, and I love how they're pursuing their passions.

All in all, it was a really good night for me, just to get some *affirmation* of my value as a man: of getting good feedback (both overt and implicit) from these ladies, and from Melissa, of my value. That's been so absent - with Chels' emotional withdrawal - the past month+.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles