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outdoor warm-up + treadmill tempo

July 1, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: HOT

Ran at lunch time - had a lucky 1:30 (pre-lunch opening).

LONG day: 10.5hrs the next three days! And I have an observer all week. Brian was a patient of mine from two years ago (college guy from OSU) and he now wants to go to PT school. He lives in Denver but *flew here* to shadow me for a bunch of time, then hang out with friends.

It was hot as shit out (like 90+ at 1:30?), so after a few mi's I knew I didn't want to kill myself on the shadeless Amazon loop, so I ran an easy 4, then went back to work.

I'd never done a tempo on the treadmill, but I liked the idea of monitoring my form with the cameras, so I did it. Jumped into things at 10.5mph, then got to 10.7mph (5:37 pace?), and just kept it there.

Felt REALLY GOOD. EASY. I figured out running on the 'mill is like running behind someone on the track: there's no thought about pace-setting, you're just "keeping up". Felt REALLY good. Not sure if the speed is 100% accurate, but fuck it, I liked being able to simply focus on form.


5:41, 5:37, 5:37.

HR was 170s, so definitely not "Hard".

Just did some walking around for cooldown, before treating another FOUR patients.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.0 Miles