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PRE + Dorris Ranch + Clearwater Park

July 13, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60, humid

Busy-ish day: had to wake up early to get in my run before meeting with Michael Lebowitz, who wanted to grab coffee with me.

Wasn't too tired or stiff, which was good. Had some tea, then hit the road.

The idea today was a long-ish road run, where I would "grind": the old-school fast-ish, "non-workout" long runs that were a staple of my pre-ultra training.

Ran east today, through PRE, to Dorris, then all the way to Clearwater Park (where I did that 25K a year+ ago), on the new bike path that connects the two.

On the way, I kept things CHILL: like 7:30-8 pace and HR <130. Listened to the McRae/Vargo TRN podcast, which was actually really good. Felt a bit of left hamstring soreness - again from Friday night - but otherwise felt pretty good. Had to loop back in Dorris to use the porta and drop a deuce, but that added a needed mile.

Ran east all the way to Clearwater Park, gradually upping the pace. I stopped for a quick drink, then headed back, on the concerted "grind".

Big form focus today. The nice thing about a grind is it's fast, but not so hard that form can't be focused on. The focus today:

- "Flick & PULL"
- strong/quick arms (namely L back, R fwd), but "small"
- lumbar extension + "belly breaths"

Felt pretty good, but labored. I could feel the fatigue of both Friday and yesterday's hike, but I felt pretty strong. REALLY had to focus on having a good R hip extension and "counter-clockwise swirl" necessary to propel the L side correctly...but it was good.

The bike path on the way back was super-rolling and hilly, which made for some work. Stopped quick for one more drink (HUMID!), then kept going.

Once over the big hill, it was pretty quick running, and low 6s were very easy.

The watch...was being a DEHCK again. It's under-reporting again: 5-10%. It's weird: it seems like the SPEEDS are right, but when it measures distances, it's off. So the mile splits were wonky:

8:12 (steep uphill)

None of these make sense when the pace/velocity was reading 6:00-6:20, +/-. A mapmyrun measure had about a 5% differential in distance - that's f-ing 30s a mile! So...not sure what to believe.

Either way, it was a solid 8+ grinder/tempo run. Cooled down a mile from Alton back to the house.

Got back in time to guzzle some recovery brew, then hit the coffee shop to see Michael. He's trying to get running again, and we're going to exchange some coaching for "glamour shots" (he's the one who took the poster pic of me and BGD at Waldo in '12).

After that: watched the World Cup Final at Jackalope with Colin and Torsten, then went shopping! Gotta look good when I got see The LICK-TEASE next week! Super-excited!!

Then did a TON of cleaning of my apt. Good day!!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
21.0 Miles