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Early Morning Run @Tampines Stadium

July 21, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Cloudy and windy

- Windy morning
- Pushed myself to do 2.8km
- After 3rd round, switched target from 6 rounds to 7 rounds, so repeated 3rd round
- From experience, it's easier to switch goal in the middle rather than at the end
- At Round 6, found Black Eye Pea's
"Pump It" to boost my run, then searched and found newly-downloaded Craig David's "Insomnia" which really put the bounce back in my run
- Hyper after the run, high adrenaline
- Kept sweating even after shower, had to shower twice

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.8 Kilometers 20:00 7:08 / Kilometer Cruise New Balance 737