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South EUG + Fairmount + River Path Tempo

August 3, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: HOT (>80F, humid)

Woke up HUNGZ - not hungry, but HUNGOVER. Ugh. Took a long time to come around. Did laundry, went grocery shopping, then did some light strength to warm into running.

It was going to be hot today, so taking that long to get going was detrimental. But I figured it would be good "heat training".

Ran easy from my apt past SEHS, then east to Fairmount, crossing the river to Alton Baker+the river path.

EASY at first: 130 hr, then when I crossed, I gradually upped it, mostly just focusing on form (hinge, arch, knee drive, PULL). Once at Alton Baker, I got on the river path - the "Classic" tempo route.

With all my tempos, there's not a lot of "real evidence" that I'm faster. Sure I'm hammering the treadmill, but what can I REALLY do in the real world? And, I can't trust my f-ing watch, so I needed a trusted loop.

Did the classic 2x1mi (with about 200m "rest") - on the north side, then crossing the bridge and doing the south side, using the quarter-mile marks.

After some stride and stretching, I was off.

Felt STRONG. It was hot and sweat was pouring, but damn, I felt strong in my hips - "pulling" my way along.

Ran down toward the mall, and when I was three-quarters of mile in, I felt a BITE on my inner left thigh. ANOTHER F-ING BEE! I swatted at it frantically, but it got me. It didn't hurt too bad at first, and I kept hammering.

Hit the bridge at 5:32 (172hr), then slowed only a bit to "recover" as I crossed, then prepped for the other side, and really took off.

I didn't feel like I sped up, but I was working harder. I don't think the bee sting helped: the pain began to radiate through the leg, truly "stinging", and the breath+effort got more labored. I wound up working harder than I wanted to but I was ecstatic to see a 5:25 split (183hr)!

Jogged easy home.

Rest of the day: quick chat with KacR, then went to work on more race report and a gait analysis. Pretty good weekend!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.5 Miles