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Big work day!

August 9, 2014 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 80s, warm at sundown

Slept pretty good, despite a light case of "meat sweat", post-Tommy Fest. Got up and texted a bit with KacR. I told her I was headed to the coffee shop to get some writing done, and to "send positive vibes" for me to be productive.

Her response: "You can and will do it! You cannot text me until you finish...That will help keep you focused!"

It was weird, but...that totally lit a fire under my ass! I LOVED IT.

So I went to work:

- rode my bike to the coffee shop. Got coffee and filled out three greeting cards I needed to send folks (including KacR's birthday card + present: the Seinfeld DVDs!). Their internet wasn't working, so I left.

- went to the post office and mailed 'em.

- rode to work to start writing (bear in mind, I've now covered a total of ONE mile of distance on bike, so not that awesome).

- BUT: between 10:30a and 8p, I wrote nearly continuously (save two breaks for TWO Saucy-B's!) that whole time.

- Midway through, I surreptitiously FB emailed her, joking that I was taking a break by creeping on her photos. She wrote back, saying, how hard it was for HER to not hear from me! That lit the fire even hotter!

- I finished ALL three works: my iRF and UR columns, and - finally - the WS report!

Finally got home at 8ish and went for an easy run. Ran abou5t 3.5 miles through the park, NW, and back through the Whit on 1st St. Felt pretty good, but I was pretty fried.

KacR had gone to bed by the time I got home, but she really loved the race report. Moreover, she really loved the discipline I showed to get it all done. I think that is a big deal for her; obvs one of her values.

But for me, it was amazing, because of what it stood for: she sacrificed HERSELF (and her immediate wants) for my betterment. That's my vision for what a relationship should be. So it was awesome. :)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.5 Miles